Nobody can beat me at the game of H-O-R-S-E.
Do you remember the game H-O-R-S-E?
It’s a basketball shooting game where you have to make baskets from various places on the court. If you fail to make the shot, you get a letter toward the word ‘HORSE’. The last person left standing wins!
That’s usually me.
I love the game but I don’t think I win because of my amazing b-ball skills.

In fact, I know I don’t.
Sure, I’ve played basketball for many years, beginning when I was in 2nd grade and the only girl on the team!
It’s more like, it is part of my identity to win at H-O-R-S-E now.
If I’m going to play someone, I show up to win.
What it really comes down to is my mindset.
I play with the intention that I am going to win.
When I think it and believe it, I make it happen.
That is exactly the mindset needed for business success, too!
When I turned down an Associate Director job to build my business, I gave myself a year to make it work and I did.
I knew that my Facebook Advertising business ( was going to be a success. There was no other option in my mind.
I was going to make it happen because I said so.
I’ve discovered for myself, and the clients I work with, that mindset is the #1 ingredient to success.
It is the foundation to business growth (and winning at H-O-R-S-E).
Back to my H-O-R-S-E story, of course there are times when people actually do beat me. While not often, when it does happen, I usually request a rematch.
Occasionally, I have to submit to the fact that I am just having an off day.
It happens in H-O-R-S-E and in business. I shake it off and move on.
What is your strategy for achieving your goals?
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