Paid advertising is an important part of your marketing game. It can get you faster results and expand your reach beyond what you get with organic marketing.
Organic marketing compliments paid marketing. Together, organic and paid marketing are the perfect pair to help you get the results you desire for your business.

I’m breaking down why for you here:
Social Proof
Organic marketing helps you master your message. From the likes, shares and comments on your organic posts, you have social proof about what resonates with your ideal client.
“Listen” to what your audience is telling you.
When you see a topic getting strong engagement organically, use it for paid ads and you’ll likely get awesome results.
Similarly, ads with likes, comments and shares will perform better because people like to participate in what others are already engaging in, plus they’re favored by the algorithm!
Email Marketing
A lot of people ask me about running ads with lookalike audiences.
This works best if you have already built an email list using organic or paid marketing. A list that is filled with your ideal clients is the perfect tool for creating successful lookalike audience ads.
Your list likes what you offer and has already said YES to you at least once by signing up for your email list. Running an ad to this strong list of potential buyers is like having a head start in the next 5K run that you do- it puts you ahead of the game.
You already have the quality leads, now you can ask Facebook™ to find other people who are similar! In this case, people within this cold audience are typically more likely to engage with your ads and it can lead to higher conversions.
Organic marketing reassures the audience of your expertise.
I don’t know about you but if I see an ad for something I’m interested in, I deep dive on the person running the ad. I check their social media and website to see what they’ve been up to. I want proof that the business is legit, not a fly-by-night company.
I know Facebook™ pages get low engagement but I always suggest, if you are going to use the platform to run paid ads, it’s a good idea to do organic marketing there as well, even if it’s just posting once per week.
Here’s the bottom line… you shouldn’t abandon your organic marketing because you start ads. You also shouldn’t not run ads because your organic marketing strategy is on point.
Use both for the best results.
Connect with me and let’s discuss your best Facebook ad options!
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