You may be wondering why in the world someone would want to have a business running Facebook ads for others.
I mean, Facebook ads of all things.
I get asked this a lot because people are generally super frustrated with paid advertising and don’t understand how I choose to work in the industry.
I get it.
Paid advertising can drive you crazy and dry up an ad budget faster than water evaporates on a 115 degrees Scottsdale summer day. (really fast, in case you are wondering).

Fortunately, my experience gets my clients real results without all the drama and a disappearing ad budget with lackluster outcomes.
Working with different clients, in different industries, gives me the behind-the-scenes opportunity to observe what is working and what is not working when it comes to converting leads to sales.
Successful ad campaigns go beyond ad copy, targeting, budget and graphics. The truth is, an experienced ads expert is rarely to blame for a campaign not creating the results you dream of having.
In the online space, we hear about 6-figure launches all the time. What does it really take to experience one of those? More than ads, I’ll tell you that!
Let me dish the deets on what it takes:
Radical Responsibility
It’s not the mechanics of running ads that gets me excited. I’m not that off my rocker.
What I love about helping 6 and 7- Figure Entrepreneurs with their Facebook ad strategy is the results I help them get.
To be clear, my job, as an ads expert, is to get my clients the leads. Their job is to convert the leads to sales.
Clients that struggle with this the most are the ones who don’t have clarity on one or all of the following: their message, ideal client or customer journey.
Clarity about these foundational business components are essential to having a successful launch.
Don’t be too quick to blame your ad expert for the lack of paying clients when you haven’t taken radical responsibility for establishing a clear, concise foundation for your business.
Before you run ads, get clear as crystal on who your ideal client is, what your message is and the journey you want to take your customers through. You’ll experience better results.
Proof of Concept
It’s really hard to sell something that people don’t want.
Sure, they may NEED it but if they don’t want it, you won’t convince them to buy.
People who make up a zillion excuses for why they don’t floss, are never going to buy the minty, waxed string, no matter how often their hygienist tells them to floss. They don’t even use the free samples they receive; why would they buy more?
My point is, make sure your offer is something that people actually want to buy.
You’ll get your proof with organic marketing. Are you getting engagement on your social media posts when you talk about your offer or are you hearing crickets? Do people express interest in your concept?
No matter how great your ads expert is at sending leads to your landing page, if people don’t want your offer, you won’t convert leads to sales.
Before you run ads, make sure you have researched and have proof that people actually WANT what you are offering.
Long Term Goals
When clients work with me, we set campaign goals that align with their overall business goals. There is no one size fits all strategy.
Your ad campaign goals should fall in line with your long term business goals. If they are not, time and money is wasted on activities that don’t support the big vision for your company. #dontgothere
Do you want to create more leads so you can do more organic marketing in the future?
Do you want more revenue to invest back into your business?
Would you like to create awareness for your brand to increase your impact?
Knowing both your long term goals, and campaign goals, will help your ads expert understand the best way to set up your ads for results that will impact your business well beyond the life of the campaign.
There you have it. Before you consider firing your Facebook Ads Expert, look at your business to make sure you are doing your part to make your ads successful.
Convert and Keep
Here is a bonus tip for you:
Once you successfully convert a lead to a paying client, keep them happy!
This should be true for any business owner but when my clients are happy, I’m happy.
A happy client stays. A happy client refers.
Having happy clients who continue to invest in my services is a far easier way to grow my business than marketing to a cold audience. Less expensive, too.
Would you like to be a client with results that make you do a little happy dance? I celebrate all of my client’s successes (ice cream, anyone?).
First, review the information I recommended to set you up for a successful ads experience.
Then, set up a strategy call with me and let’s discuss the possibility of working together!
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